How Nutrition Coaching Can Benefit Your Team!

by | Feb 27, 2023

nutrition coaching and team

Do you realize that your team consumes 1/3 of their nutrition at work?

Have you ever wondered how what they are eating will affect the productivity of your team?

Researchers from Brigham Young University, the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) and the Center for Health Research at Healthways analyzed the topic of “presenteeism” – being present at work, but not performing optimally. (1) The study revealed that employees with unhealthy diets were 66% more likely to report a productivity loss than healthy eaters, demonstrating that the foods we eat have a direct impact on our work performance

Numerous scientific research has confirmed that “we are what we eat” and that the food we eat can affect our health and longevity. Our quick and easy diet and highly processed food diet culture usually lacks essential nutrients and over time can lead to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. These chronic health conditions can result in productivity loss at work. (2)

Clearly the issue is not about lack of knowledge but about lack of not knowing where to start, lacking motivation, consistency, accountability and oftentimes feeling overwhelmed by struggling to balance work and life. This will have a huge impact on mental health as well which in turn will affect eating habits.

An unhealthy diet can lead to fatigue, a decline in mental health, provoke irritability, an increase in stress and depression, a decrease in energy levels and the ability to focus and ultimately be productive and creative during the workday.

Healthy eating is about more than food. At 12 Weeks to Wellness, we not only uncover the potential to fuel but also look at specific, actionable and realistic steps that help clients follow through, such as looking at strategic meal prepping and planning.. We also look at potential barriers to eating healthy in the workplace and how to overcome these barriers.

Mental health concerns can hugely impact energy levels and productivity at work, and a well-balanced diet can support balancing blood sugars and therefore affect mood and work performance. Healthy eating can support consistent energy levels throughout the workday, boost productivity, and reduce sick days,

Nutrition coaching might just be the answer to keeping your team healthy and engaged. Nutrition coaches will not prescribe a certain diet or tell your employees what to eat. Our coaches are skilled to take it one step further, having employees become aware of the gap between where they are at in regards to their overall health, well-being and nutrition and where they would like to be. The coach then supports the employee in figuring out a way to make some realistic and actionable first steps and increasing the employee’s confidence that they can take charge of their health. At the same time, coaches will also look at sleep, bedtime and morning routines, as well as physical activity which all impact nutrition, specifically, the motivation and follow-through to eat well. Nutrition coaching meets each individual where they are at versus a prescriptive one fits all approach.

Consider nutrition coaching this year to support your employees’ health and well-being and elevate the well-being of your team and organization.

Author: Bettina Mackenbach

(1) Presenteeism_8_6_2012.pdf (

(2). The effectiveness of workplace nutrition and physical activity interventions in improving productivity, work performance and workability: a systematic review,, Aikaterini Grimani, Emmanuel Aboagye, Lydia Kwak, BMC Public Healthn 2019 Dec 12;19(1):167

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