Health and Wellness Blog

4 Strategies to Get Back your Movement Mojo!

4 Strategies to Get Back your Movement Mojo!

Have you lost your "mojo" as a result of the pandemic? You are not alone! When life throws us curve balls, we tend to drop one of the most important components of health, movement. The reality is that motivation often leaves us when we need it most but you can choose...

Moving Towards Plant Based Eating

Moving Towards Plant Based Eating

Curious about incorporating the benefits of more plants? You're not alone. In recent years, there's been a massive movement towards meatless meals, and for good reason - this dietary pattern is linked to reduced risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and colon...

Making a Lifestyle Change

Making a Lifestyle Change

  It's common to choose certain times of the year to create a fresh start but the most common times are the new year, springtime, and fall. Each of those times represents an opportunity to start something. If you are wanting to eat better, lose weight, get moving...

Resilience and Self Compassion

Resilience and Self Compassion

It is probable that most people have experienced adverse trauma and other stressors in the past year. Becoming more resilient gets one through a difficult time; resilience is the ability to cope with adversity and to use life challenges to build strength. It is like...

6 Ways To Stay Active During The Holidays

6 Ways To Stay Active During The Holidays

  The holiday season can be a cause of weight gain, stress, seasonal 'blues' and overscheduled calendars, so this year, give yourself the gift of fitness! A general recommendation is to incorporate activities that celebrate the season; social gatherings with...

How to Manage the Holiday Season

How to Manage the Holiday Season

Most holiday challenges or 'stressors' are predictable because we feed into the pattern year after year. Are you ready for a change?  You can create new possibilities by following these THREE strategies to welcome the 'new'.  The key to implementing a better strategy...

5 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

5 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

The holiday season is the most wonderful season of the year but does this mean that we are eating everything we lay our eyes on? How do we set healthy and mindful "boundaries" around food, what and how much? Here are some questions to consider which are really more...

Fitness Outside The Box – What Is Possible For You?

Fitness Outside The Box – What Is Possible For You?

​ With the impact of the pandemic and the uncertainty over the past couple of years, people have been forced to think outside of the box and adapt to new ways of staying healthy and fit. Fitness centres and gyms have been closed down completely or reduced to minimal...